The 2nd Governance and Security Programme Annual Performance Review FY 2022/23 held at Imperial Royale hotel. 31st October, 2023
This year’s annual review is under the theme: Enhancing Intra-Programme Coordination and Collaboration.
The Programme was established under the NDP III with clear mission to address challenges related to weak adherence to the rule of law and existence of internal and external security threats.
The Governance and Security Programme (GSP) brings together 32 Government Agencies responsible for upholding the rule of law, ensuring security, maintaining law and order, enhancing access to justice, strengthening public policy governance, promoting human rights and accountability, and ensuring benevolent international relations. This Programme contributes to the third National Development Plan (NDPIII) objective five which is; to strengthen the role of state in Development.
Uganda is in transition from a predominantly peasant society to a modern prosperous country. With all Government establishments and all segments of society making their contribution to this transformation, I must echo that Governance and Security Programme has been handed a unique responsibility of ensuring that the requisite conditions for this transformation prevail now and in the future.
The Programme is to ensure that the rule of law, security, and broadly good governance prevail in Uganda as non-negotiable and indispensable essential foundations for enabling national transformation. These are pre-requisites for socio-economic development in pursuit of Uganda’s transformational agenda.
The Government of Uganda has strategically rolled out the Parish Development Model to spur grass root economic activity. The very important Government of Uganda investment is anchored on the prevalence of a stable, safe, secure and rule based social economic environment. With an effective Governance and Security Programme realising its mandate, the necessary safe and stable conditions shall prevail for the PDM and all other investments to grow and thrive.
The annual event is primarily organised to enable us leaders of the various Ministries, Departments, Agencies, our development partners, and all stakeholders to reflect on our past performance, it is important that we focus more on devising means of consolidating all the gains we have achieved, finding solutions to our challenges, and sharing best practices that will enable us to achieve the national agenda of “a transformed Ugandan society, from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30 years”. We must leverage past experiences to innovate for a more secure and prosperous future.