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Handover Ceremony for the new Commissioner marks new Leadership in the Patriotism Department. 9th January, 2024

Handover Ceremony for the new Commissioner marks new Leadership in the Patriotism Department. 9th January, 2024

In a momentous event that encapsulated both tradition and transformation, the handover ceremony for the new Commissioner of the Patriotism Department took place earlier today at the department's headquarters. The occasion, steeped in symbolism and reverence for service, signified a pivotal shift in leadership, with outgoing Commissioner Brig Gen Patrick Mwesigye passing the torch to his successor, Ms Helen Seku, amidst a gathering of esteemed officials, distinguished guests, and department staff.

The ceremony commenced in the presence of Mr. Emmanuel Walani the under secretary Finance and administration. As Commissioner Reynolds stepped forward to address the assembly, his eloquent speech resonated with gratitude for the unwavering dedication of the department's personnel and highlighted the profound significance of fostering patriotism

In her speech the new commissioner had this to say,

Firstly, I wish to express my profound appreciation to the president of Uganda H.E Yoweri  Kaguta Museveni  whose dedication and tireless efforts have laid a solid foundation for the Patriotism Secretariat. Under his stewardship, this department has flourished, instilling a sense of national pride and unity amongst our citizens. I am grateful for their guidance and commitment, and I am committed to building upon this remarkable legacy.

Today marks a pivotal moment as we stand at the threshold of a new era within the Patriotism Secretariat. I am deeply honored and humbled to address you as the newly appointed Commissioner, and I extend my heartfelt gratitude for the trust and faith bestowed upon me to lead this department. My vision for the Patriotism Secretariat revolves around inclusivity and empowerment. We shall strive to create a culture where every citizen feels valued, heard, and actively engaged in contributing towards our nation's progress. Our diversity is our strength, and by embracing it, we will build a stronger, more united nation. (Helen Seku, Commissioner patriotism department)